Greenhouse Gases are gases that are emitted from many sources that cause our atmosphere to get hotter than it would be without them. The energy the earth receives from the sun, mainly as light, that we experience as heat is from infrared radiation. Greenhouse gases reflect infrared radiation, trapping the heat from the sun in the atmosphere. This process is called the "Greenhouse Effect." Without this, the Earth would be too cold to sustain life. However, as the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, so does the strength of this effect. The cause of climate change and global warming is the result of too many of these gases trapping more heat and warming the entire planet.
These gases can come from many sources and the most controllable sources are:
Gases released from our burning of fuels and other materials
Examples: Carbon Dioxide or CO2, Nitrous Oxide or N20
Gases released from our utilities that generate electricity via burning fuels
Examples: Carbon Dioxide or CO2, Nitrous Oxide or N20
Gases released from our refrigerant systems when they leak
Examples: Halons, Freons, Fluorinated Gases
Gases released from our factories, manufacturing processes, and agriculture
Examples: Carbon Dioxide, refrigerant gases, Methane or CH4, Nitrous Oxides
Gases released from our commercial and residential activities
Examples: Carbon Dioxide, Refrigerant Gases, Methane
Gases released from our merchandise and personal products
Examples: Aerosols, Carbon Dioxide, VOCs
Gases released from wastes in landfills
Example: Methane
To learn more go to Overview of Greenhouse Gases | US EPA andSources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | US EPA