The Solution
We are glad you are here! We believe that the world and its climate is one thing that unites us all. Although we need aggressive policy changes, we believe efforts on all levels, from individuals to large corporations, can make a difference. Small changes in our actions and purchases can greatly reduce the damage to our planet and its environment.
The solution to fighting climate change and protecting the quality of life for future generations is NET ZERO. Net Zero is the target of completely negating the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activity by both reducing harmful emissions and implementing methods of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. To reach Net Zero, we need to reduce our future carbon emissions as well as mitigate our prior carbon emissions.
The science behind understanding atmospheric conditions is well outlined by many sources. The best source for the truth on climate change is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC has modeled the future and determined that if we do not reduce our Carbon Footprint by 50% before 2030 and get to Net Zero by 2045, our global temperatures will get progressively worse and create additional significant damage to our world, our societies, and our way of life.
The first priority is to understand what contributes to your carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is a measurement of the emmissions of gases generated from our actions that cause climate change. Go to CoolClimate Calculator (berkeley.edu) to identify the best opportunities to reduce your footprint. An average American produces 21 tons of carbon in a year, about four times the global average.
Then, begin to take the steps to transition out of using fossil fuels as the source of energy in your transportation and in powering your home. In short, if it burns fossil fuels, we need to transition out of it to an option that uses green power.
The second priority is to change your buying habits, choosing to purchase products and services that are lower in carbon footprint. Educate yourself on how the companies you purchase from and manufacturers of the products you use are reducing carbon emissions. Your purchasing power has value.
You can use our five-step plan (for individuals or businesses) to set a goal over time to mitigate your footprint by 50% by 2030.

Trade out your gasoline or diesel fueled car for an electric or hybrid vehicle.
If you can, take public transportation or carpool.
Change your fluorescent light bulbs to LEDs.
Change your landscaping equipment (such as your lawnmower) to battery-operated vs. gas. Rechargeable batteries using electricity have a lower footprint compared to burning gasoline or diesel.
Check if your electric company has an option to choose 100% clean power for your home – that way, all your electricity can be carbon-free.
Review options to add solar to your home and convert some of your use to fully green solar energy.
Reduce the amount of waste that your purchases produce and the amount of waste that must be landfilled. Waste handling takes a lot of power to transport, and landfills produce a large amount of methane .As they need to be replaced, convert your home heating and hot water systems to electric.
Purchase energy-efficient appliances and recycle (rather than dump) your old appliances.
Change the settings on your thermostat to reduce the amount of energy the system uses.
Change to low water flow showerheads, sprinklers, and hoses – the less water we use, the less energy it takes to get clean water to your home and to treat the water in the sewer system.
Plant some trees or other vegetation where you can to capture carbon from the air.
For the areas where there are no cost-effective ways to transform from fossil fuels to green power, review the options for purchasing carbon credits to offset those emissions. There are many options to purchase offsets and we recommend that you confirm that those offsets are third-party certified.